“Towards efficiency and sustainability in the Mediterranean: from universities to public buildings”

Auditorium of Poblenou Campus (Roc Boronat 138, Barcelona) of Pompeu Fabra University

Este evento ha expirado

Aquest esdeveniment serà anglès i en català amb interpretació simultània en ambdós idiomes 

SOLARTYS, Spanish Solar Energy Cluster, with the support of Secartys Association, Mediterranean Renewable Energy Centre and Smartech Cluster, are organising the open innovation face-to-face event on sustainability and energy efficiency with a special focus on public buildings, with the aim of bringing together experts, academics, scientists, and administrators, to learn and explore innovative solutions for a more sustainable future.

The conference will provide various activities for exchanging ideas, sharing good practices, and encouraging collaboration between participants, focusing on the following themes.

  • Open innovation approaches to sustainability
  • Energy efficiency technologies and solutions
  • Renewable energy sources and their integration
  • Cities and smart systems


09:00 - 09:30  Registration

09:30 - 11:00  Universities as benchmarks for energy efficiency

11:00 - 11:30  coffee break

11:30 - 13:30  Round-tables: The public sector as a driver of energy transition

13:30 - 15:00  lunch

15:00 - 17:00  New inspiring solutions

17:00 - 17:40 Technical visit A practical case of historic building refurbishment and central heating and cooling network


Universities as benchmarks for energy efficiency

During the first part of the day, we will celebrate the closing event and dissemination of the results of Med-EcoSuRe project (Mediterranean University as Catalyst for Eco-Sustainable Renovation). In this sense, the solutions developed by the project are perfectly transferable to other public buildings: municipalities, public institutions, public facilities.


Round-tables: The public sector as a driver of energy transition

Practical cases of innovative projects will be presented with the idea of opening a debate on decarbonisation, energy communities, self-consumption, renewable energies, between other subjects.

How to promote decarbonisation in the public sector

In order to promote decarbonisation in the public sector, initiatives must be taken to encourage the adoption of renewable energy sources and energy efficient technologies, while policies must be implemented that prioritise sustainable practices and reduce carbon emissions in government operations. This round table will bring together several actors from different backgrounds to discuss future scenarios.

  • Estanislau Vidal-Folch (Member State Expert of the Working Group on High Quality Architecture and Built Environment for All at the Council of the European Union)
  • Chiheb Bouden (Professor at the National Engineering School of Tunis and former Tunisian Minister for Higher Education)
  • Itziar González Virós (expert architect in rehabilitation and citizen cooperation, consultant in social architecture and ex-councillor of Ciutat Vella district of Barcelona)
  • Marc Montlleó (Director of Environmental Projects and Energy Efficiency at Barcelona Regional)
  • Michael Donaldson (Commissioner for Urban Innovation of the City Council of Barcelona)

Moderator: Jordi Ortiz (Director General of SOLARTYS)

Energy communities and the role of public authorities

The future of energy communities seems promising as they empower people and territories to take control of their energy production, consumption, and distribution, thereby promoting sustainability, resilience and community participation. Through decentralised renewable energy systems and collaborative initiatives, energy communities are poised to play an important role in shaping a cleaner and fairer energy future.

  • Maurizio De Lucia (Energy Engineer and Professor at University of Florence)
  • Raquel Simón Allué (Doctor of Mechanical Engineering in RDD at Endef Solar Solutions)
  • Jaafar Saeid (CEO of the company Lightency for blockchain energy community management solutions)
  • Anna Camp Casanovas (Energy and Climate Coordinator at the Province Council of Girona)

Moderator: Federico Mirenzi (Energy Communities Commercial Engineer at Senda Sostenible)

New inspiring solutions

Dynamic presentation of solutions in the field of energy efficiency and sustainability, such as tools and implementation of technical and technological solutions, solar power generation, smart lighting, improved thermal and acoustic insulation, installation of various sensors, data processing, among others, all solutions easily applicable to public buildings. In particular, during this part, several innovative solutions based on projects developed within our ecosystem for the decarbonisation of industry, as well as companies and organisations will be presented.

Technical visit: A practical case of historic building refurbishment and central heating and cooling

Technical visit to the historic buildings of the Poblenou campus of Pompeu Fabra University: from a 19th century historic building to a modern campus, and to the central heating and cooling network of the Poblenou district.

The conference will be held in English and Catalan (with simultaneous translation in both languages).

Venue: at the Auditorium of the Poblenou Campus (Roc Boronat, 138 Barcelona) of the Pompeu Fabra University. 

If you aren't in a position to come to the event, there will be an online webcast of the event.

Este evento ha expirado

Día y hora

Añadir al calendario 2023-07-1309:30 2023-07-1317:30 Europe/Madrid “Towards efficiency and sustainability in the Mediterranean: from universities to public buildings” Auditorium of Poblenou Campus (Roc Boronat 138, Barcelona) of Pompeu Fabra University


Auditorium of Poblenou Campus (Roc Boronat 138, Barcelona) of Pompeu Fabra University


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